« Obama: I Absolutely Demand That Congressional Leaders Come Meet With Me To Avert This Horrible Shutdown I Don't Want; Now, If You'll Excuse Me, I'm Leaving Town To Give Some Partisan Speeches |
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April 06, 2011
Obama: I Absolutely Demand I Meet With Congressional Leaders To Stop The Feuding That Has Nothing To Do With Me. Now, If You'll Excuse Me, I Have To Break Bread With Racial Manslaughter Enthusiast Al Sharpton.
You think it's a double post, but it's not. I fooled you.
And then-- and then I said, "The police acted stupidly!"
Just an update: When the Washington Post mentioned, in that last article I linked, that Obama was meeting with "black leaders"... well, I didn't read to the end, where they kinda-sorta buried the fact he was meeting in NYC to celebrate Al Sharpton.
"It proves again that 2012 will be very different than 2008," said Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia. "Then, Obama was very wary of the race issue and of being labeled as a 'black candidate.'"
"But some of the enthusiasm surrounding that election has faded," said Sabato. "He needs an injection of energy and Sharpton can provide some of that, at least in the black community."
It's all about black turnout, of course, because a key segment of Obama's victory coalition -- a good performance among working-class whites -- has turned against him pretty sharply.
So: Obama's courting the sort of racist bomb-throwers he avoided in 2008 (in his effort to appear post-racial).
And he's doing this -- working on 2012 turnout -- when something he declares is a dire crisis is about to occur.
Obama For President
In 2008, I voted "Present."
In 2012, I'm voting "Absent."
Thanks to Lemmiwinks for that -- that is a very sharp and smart way to put it.