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March 30, 2011
Donate to Justice Prosser!
National Review is sounding the alarm bells -- this is the left's first attempt to litigate the 2010 election.
It is important that conservatives nationwide make this campaign their own. What is at stake in Wisconsin is not just one piece of legislation or one bill restoring a measure of sanity to the state budgeting process. The question to be answered in Wisconsin is: Who works for whom? Do the public employees work for the citizens, or are the citizens mere cattle to be disposed of at the pleasure of the bureaucrats and their union bosses? Every arrow in the quiver — court cases, judicial elections, recall, lawsuits, lies, libels, and brute thuggery — will be thrown at this case, along with lots of money derived from the union dues that state and local governments helpfully deduct from their employees’ paychecks on the unions’ behalf. Wisconsin may seem an unlikely battleground, but a line must be drawn, and this is the place to draw it.
You can't donate to Justice Prosser, but, oh, lookie here, it turns out you can donate to two groups running ads in his favor: The Wisconsin Club for Growth and Wisconsin Manufacturers & Conmerce.