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March 30, 2011
Planned Parenthood Reverses Position On Inspections On Abortionists
In Delaware, where they'd once fought such horrible burdens, they now support them.
In Delaware, where Gosnell was also known to perform his gruesome practices, even Democrats have introduced such legislation. Shockingly, they insist that the primary purpose of their bill is to regulate podiatrists and dentists. There should be little doubt in people’s minds that more human beings are killed by abortionists than foot doctors!
Planned Parenthood in Delaware supports the legislation, which is a good indication they are on the ropes. While the legislation is part of Gosnell’s legacy, Kermit Gosnell himself is a legacy of Planned Parenthood, which fought against this type of legislation in Pennsylvania and other states. Had such legislation been enacted, Gosnell would have been behind bars years ago.
It's useful to compare the Democrats' position here to their general position on regulation of any other industry.
No matter what the regulation is, they generally support it (except in one case). They always seem to think that government regulations, inspections, and paperwork-compliance creates a better, more hygienic, and more moral industry.
Except here. In this one case, they find regulation, inspection, and paperwork-compliance unduly burdensome.
In the case of one industry and one industry only, they accept the general GOP brief that government interference is burdensome and saps the vitality of an industry.
With abortion, they support the sort of hardcore "Wild West" strong-form libertarian laissez-faire let-people-work-it-out-and-let-the-market-decide regime they decry as "extremist" in any other context.
It seems that there's only one industry where they are comfortable pursuing this growth-at-all-costs strategy.