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Obama Can Attack Any Country He Wants With Out Congressional Approval Because He Says So »
March 22, 2011
Man-Child in the Promised Land [Fritzworth]
All I can do is quote Richard Cohen, as dependable a liberal columnist as the WaPo has ever had:
The change that Obama promised has settled on us all like an irritating drizzle. His ideas were untested by either age or experience. It is one thing to decry American unilateralism and quite another to await international action when time is of the essence. It is not necessary for America always to lead, but it is sometimes necessary for it to do so — and always necessary for the president to know when that moment has arrived. Obama seems not to know. He often solves problems by ignoring them.
Cohen makes the obligatory liberal swipe at Bush towards the end of the column, but he's mostly going through the motions. And, yes, Richard, a lot of Americans knew that Candidate Obama -- not just his ideas, but the man himself -- was "untested by either age or experience", which is why a lot of Dems voted to nominate Hillary and why a lot of Americans voted to elected McCain. But thanks to the anointing of the Chosen One by the mainstream media -- you listening, Richard? -- no real due diligence of Candidate Obama was done, and we ended up with President Feckless.
Votes have consequences, but so does biased media coverage. How's that hope and change working out for you, Richard? ..fritz..
Heh. ..fritz..
posted by Open Blogger at
10:21 AM
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