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March 20, 2011
Cursing "Obama's Women" and Other Lefty Reactions to the Libya War
Ah, the stench of misogyny rises from a disappointed liberal at the Nation. He can't bring himself to hold President Obama to account for his decision to go to war, but he knows just who to blame:
We’d like to think that women in power would somehow be less prowar, but in the Obama administration at least it appears that the bellicosity is worst among Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Samantha Power. All three are liberal interventionists, and all three seem to believe that when the United States exercises military force it has some profound, moral, life-saving character to it. Far from it. Unless President Obama’s better instincts manage to reign in his warrior women—and happily, there’s a chance of that—the United States could find itself engaged in open war in Libya, and soon. The troika pushed Obama into accepting the demands of neoconservatives, such as Joe Lieberman, John McCain and The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol, along with various other liberal interventionists outside the administration, such as John Kerry. The rode roughshod over the realists in the administration.
Women and Jews "neoconservatives." You know that I'm opposed to intervention in Libya, but somehow it never occurred to me that I could just blame it on the women.
There is so much liberal idiocy in that one quoted paragraph it would take all day to unpack it (so I won't inflict the rest of his screed on you, dear reader). Here are just the highlights: First, the U.S. is already "engaged in open war in Libya." The shooting has commenced and the U.S. and its partners are in violation of Libya's sovereignty, such as it is. Second, the shot at the military's character reveals he's not just anti-war, he's anti-U.S. military, though that's not so much of a surprise coming from a leftist. Far from it. Third, apparently in this bozo's mind Obama isn't even responsible for his own actions; he's just there to ride herd on the troika*. Bonus point: it's "rein" not "reign", dingus. Also, while I'm thinking about it, who the fuck is "we"? You got a little mouse in your pocket?
*From the Russian: a team of three horses abreast. Okay, also for triumvirate, or, well, three but come on. You can't use "rein" (or "reign", heh) with "troika" without conjuring up a mental image of horses. You'd think a fancy-shmancy Nation writer would see the problem with horse allusions in a piece already attacking women.
Anyway, Don Surber has other liberal reactions to the war. Whichever of you morons guessed that American black leaders would excoriate Obama for attacking an African nation, you get a free month's subscription to the HQ. Louis Farrakhan is not happy with the President. Not at all.
posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:40 AM
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