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March 15, 2011
I never want to hear about "The Pet Goat" again [Fritzworth]
The world is going to hell in a handbasket, and Obama tapes himself picking his NCAA bracket:
Via Mike Allen’s newsletter, we see in the first line how the leader of the free world will spend his day during this awful crisis:
President Obama is taping his NCAA picks today, and they’ll be revealed tomorrow on ESPN.
Okay, that’s not all he’s doing. “Obama will tape interviews from the Map Room with KOAT Albuquerque, KDKA Pittsburgh and WVEC Hampton Roads on education reform and the need to fix No Child Left Behind.”
Japan faces an almost unparalleled crisis, Libya is in civil war, and we’re having another budget showdown after running up a $222.5 billion deficit in the 28 days of February. And after last week’s bullying summit, Obama is spending this week talking education reform.
Bush was trying not to alarm young schoolchildren. Obama is alarming everyone. At least he's starting to scare the hell out of me.
UPDATE: Others are noticing as well. Keith Koffler goes into even greater detail about Obama's fecklessness:
he Middle East is afire with rebellion, Japan is imploding from an earthquake, and the battle of the budget is on in the United States, but none of this seems to be deterring President Obama from a heavy schedule of childish distractions.
The newly installed tandem of White House Chief of Staff William Daley and Senior adviser David Plouffe were supposed to impart a new sense of discipline and purpose to the White House. Instead, they are permitting him to showcase himself as a poorly focused leader who has his priorities backward. . . .
But the fun stuff won’t end anytime soon. On Thursday, the Taoiseach of Ireland will be in town to help the president celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. And then Friday it’s off to Brazil for the start of a three-country Latin American tour.
Oddly, he’ll be missing Carnival, which went down last week.
Obama is supposed to officially kick off his re-election campaign next month. I have to wonder if his heart is really in it. ..fritz..

posted by Open Blogger at
01:10 PM
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