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March 08, 2011
State of Maine Gets Obamacare Waiver
As suggested (or re-tweeted) by one of my Senators, how about all 50 states?
Link to story here.
PORTLAND, Maine - The federal government Tuesday granted Maine a waiver of a key provision in President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, citing the likelihood that enforcement could destabilize the state's market for individual health insurance.
The U.S. Health and Human Services department said in a letter it would waive the requirement that insurers spend 80 cents to 85 cents of every premium dollar on medical care and quality improvement. Instead, the letter said, the state could maintain its 65 percent standard for three years, with the caveat that HHS intends to review the figures after two years.
The Obamacare savings™ calculations don't mean a damned thing and never did. Gabriel noted the other day over a thousand waivers have already been granted. Favored parties (unions) don't have to take the same medicine as the rest of us. But the key provision of the funding mechanism requires every goddang person has to buy into this mess (with cash).
(Actually Cornyn suggested "how bout Texas?" but I'm not selfish. All 50 states deserve a waiver.)
I'm cool with that. Even though I'm old.
posted by Dave In Texas at
09:32 PM
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