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March 05, 2011
It's On Like Donkey Kong: Palin Goes After Christie (A Little)
Unprompted, really, she notes that what Christie's doing isn't really "courageous," as he's forced to make cuts. She contrasts that with her own action of cutting spending when the state was flush with funds and had a surplus.
So, it's a dig.
As I've repeatedly said that it's no big deal if Christie suggests Palin could profit from what he calls "unscripted" moments, I can't say Palin's dig in return is any thing to go bonkers over, really. She's wrong that Christie isn't politically courageous -- he did have the option that many politicians take of raising taxes and kicking the problem further down the road-- but she does have a point that cutting spending when you have a surplus shows a greater belief in the power of limited government.
Would Christie have done the same? Probably not. Since he never had the opportunity we'll never know.
The only thing is that, as DrewM noted on Twitter, David Asman's question really didn't suggest he was looking for a rebuttal to Christie; it seemed like she was prepared to offer this soundbite from the get-go, no matter what she was asked, which plays into Christie's "scripted" complaint.
The only thing that suggested a reply was being sought was that Asman asked about Christie's statement that the current candidates were "uninspiring," which may have led Palin to think that was a knock on her; but as she's not a current candidate (and her employer, FoxNews, agrees, as it's suspended the relationship with Gingrich and Santorum but not Palin and Huckabee), the knock wasn't on her. I guess she could maybe think it was.
Also, I should say, as a Christie fan, I'm not loving Christie's lack of support for the current field. It's nice to know he thinks he not only could win but would win against Obama, but he says he's not running, and while it is hard to argue with his statement that the current field is "uninspiring" (most agree), I'd sure like to see a bit more optimism and rah-rah from him.
Not running and also not offering some uplift for the actual candidates makes him sound like a spoilsport douche who's hoping the WH gets kept by Obama so it's open to him in 2016.
Don't do that, big man. Either run or don't but don't do that.