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March 01, 2011
Qadaffy's Nurse SugarTits Says She'll Be Back at "Papa's" Side The Moment He Crushes The Opposition
I have to point out that Charles Krauthammer called the flight of Big Boobs McGee a "leading indicator" for the direction of the revolution. Which is just what I called it on Saturday. Well, I said "Leading Sexual Indicator."
It's an obvious point but still, I enjoyed seeing it on the Big Show.
So, anyway, Nurse SweaterZeppelins says she's be back for the victory party.
The article notes a cable leaked by WikiLeaks:
The cable added that only Miss Kolotnytska knew the 68-year-old dictator's precise habits, which was why he always kept her close. "Some embassy contacts have claimed that Gaddafi and the 38 year-old Kolotnytska have a romantic relationship," it said.
No shit, really?
Nurse Pumpkins denies that, but then, Qadaffy's married. Counting against her denial: She calls him "Papa." And, by her daughter's account...
"Other Ukrainian women also work for him as nurses. Mum is one of them," she said. "For some reason, he doesn't trust Libyan women with this matter."
She said her mother found Col Gaddafi "kind" and that he had given her a watch with his face on it but that he "could be strict if he had to be."
"Papa" can be both "kind" but also "strict"? And he's got a gaggle of Ukranian nurses tending to him?
That's hot. Qadaffy might be crazy, but he's my kind of crazy.