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February 28, 2011
Message From Cali Grump
Apologies to all and thanks again to the wicked wit and savage love of the Morons. My words cannot begin to express how much it means to me.
Also, I'm sorry but will not be able to respond right away to any comments this may receive -- will be at the Kaiser Intensive Out Patient session most of today, where the hope is I'll learn to become a bit more human. That should be something interesting and new. I will let you know how that turns out. The first step will be learning to shut my mouth and contain the vitriol around the psychiatrists so that I don't get locked up again. If I don't return here, you'll know how that went.
Take care and flame on, Morons. Be the energy that feeds the fire that this country needs.
Good to be back.
-- Cali Grump
Another email came later. He wants to start a new party.
Got ejected from the nuthouse yesterday. Yeah, yeah, I know: 86'd from the nuthouse? Is OK, I've been thrown out of better places than that. Anyone who says I should get thrown back in will get no argument from me. I have to mention that the giftshop at the loony bin had some awesome straight-jackets. Can't wait to wear mine next time to the next Moron meetup.
I am deeply apologetic to both my long-suffering family and to my adopted family of the Morons. I didn't wish to garner any attention or concern, just wanted to say goodbye, as I figured I'd gone so far over the edge that getting locked up for good seemed like the only path I'd be on, and did not think I'd ever return to my second home here in the Land of Moron.
While I was locked away I had plenty of time to think. Like why people in the nuthouse were watching American Fucking Idol. As if their lives didn't suck enough already. Ah well, it could have been worse -- it could have been The View.
The other thought was that the residents here in the Land of Moron could become the catalyst for change in my beloved America. Specifically, The Flaming Skull Party.
If lefties don't like the Tea Party, they're going to hate the Flaming Skull Party. As Peggy Noonan is to the Stupid Party, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin and Ace would be to the FSP: the voices of dignified restraint. P.J. O'Rourke could serve as security cop, sitting on a barstool in the corner, every so often standing up to yell "Knock it off Morons -- that's a little over the top."
I really do think the Flaming Skull Party (FSP) would have broader and more deeply felt appeal than either major party or the Tea Party. And it would be a hell of a party. The t-shirts would be epic and of course, the guys'd get shirts.
I see all the debris being piled up on this wonderful country and I think the FSP could pour a can of gas on it and drop a lit match that starts an immense and cleansing fire, a flaming conflagration* that returns this country back into the glory she once was and will be again. America has been and still is the country that the world looks up to, but it can be even more majestic and frightening to the rest of the world, and most Americans would realize this and stand with a renewed pride in where they live and what it stands for. Except for lefties but who cares what they think; we always need examples of stupid behavior and that'd be at least one thing they'd be good at.
MLK jr had a dream: whoopie do. I have a vision: The Flaming Skull Party. Flame on Morons. It's burn baby burn time in America.
So, apparently he has found a reason to live: Hate. Well, that's all I'm living for so why not?
Let me thank -- no, not thank; that's the wrong word -- let me praise the virtue of the morons who took an interest and acted in the heroic interest of saving a fellow human and fellow moron from a bad decision.
Starting with the heroic Arhooley.
Every once in a while the universe gives someone the chance to make a difference. All praise to those who seized it.