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February 21, 2011
With Left Making Death Threats Against Walker, Media Rouses Itself To... Accuse Right of Incivility
No tut-tutting from the media on actual death threats and death wishes.
Just yesterday Frank Rich decided to call out the right for incivility.
If the next step in this declension is less face time for Palin on Fox News, then we’ll have proof that pigs can fly. But a larger question remains. If the right puts its rabid Obama hatred on the down-low, what will — or can — conservatism stand for instead?
Actually most of his idiotic column is crowing that the right has been politically neutered by the leftist assault on free speech. But as usual he ignores the hate speech of the left.
I saw on FoxNews Watch yesterday that Kristen Powers attempted to explain away the media's bias when it comes to the Wisconsin protesters -- the media just like protesters, period, Powers averred. Jim Pinkerton noted they didn't seem to like Tea Party protesters, calling them ignorant, violent Nazis at every turn. Powers didn't bother to answer; I'm not sure what she could have said.
Meanwhile, the public is siding with Walker in Wisconsin, 48% to 38%. Even assuming there's a pro-Republican tilt in Rasmussen's polling, that's too big a gap to explain by tilt.
Contrasting the Coverage: The Times embargoes all mention of Nazi signs in Wisconsin, while focusing on almost nothing but those when reporting on Tea Partiers.
[T]he Times’ flattering portrait of the protesters ignores the extremist and violent rhetoric that has characterized the union demonstrators. As we noted Friday, unionists and the Democratic Party activists who have been bused in to help them have compared Governor Walker to Adolf Hitler and the Republicans to Nazis, as this video illustrates. Yet the Times has ignored that aspect of the story even though such rhetoric and demonstrators’ signs were the focus of much of their coverage of Tea Party protests. One can only conclude that in the liberal universe of the New York Times, left-wing union protesters are judged by a very different standard than the one they employ to report and editorialize about the conservatives of the Tea Party.