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February 20, 2011
Columbia Student Body and Faculty Pure Class. [Ben]
I was going to put this in the headlines, but I was so angry after reading this.
Columbia University recently had hearings to determine whether or not the ROTC should be allowed back on campus. At the hearing a Disabled War Vet, Anthony Mascheck decided to wheel up to the mic to voice his opinion on why the ROTC program should be instituted at Columbia University.
And by wounded I mean a wheelchair bound amputee that was shot eleven times during a firefight in Kirkuk.
He was treated with the dignity and respect you would expect from a college whose student body is made up of spoiled trust fund children whose parents pay over $50,000.00 a year in tuition alone.
Several students laughed and jeered the Idaho native, a 10th Mountain Division infantryman who spent two years at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington recovering from grievous wounds.
At least he was supported by faculty....
"Universities should not be involved in military activities," Sociology Professor Emeritus Herbert Gans told The Post. "Columbia should come out against spending $300 billion a year on unnecessary wars."
Ahh sociology professors, where would the world be without you? Probably a lot better off I should say.
Also, for those of us who knew the DADT law was a bullship excuse to keep ROTC programs off elite(read rich) college campuses, we now have confirmation of it. The student left is trying a new excuse out. See how this fits you.
"Transpeople are part of the Columbia community," said senior Sean Udell at the meeting, referring to the military's current ban on transgender soldiers.
The military has a long and sordid history of keeping Transpeople down. The first documented case being Corporal Maxwell Klinger during the Korean War.
Cross posted at Clarion Advisory

posted by Open Blogger at
02:19 PM
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