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Top Headline Comments 2-16-11 »
February 15, 2011
Egyptian Cab Driver Plows Into Crowd Outside San Diego Nightclub, Injuring 35; City Seriously Investigating Whether To Yank His License
That headline is a little provocative because, at the moment, the story is that supposedly he fell asleep or blacked out.
Which is possible.
But no one seems to even mention That Other Possibility That Shall Not Be Named. No kidding, every story I call up says "police are looking into the possibility he fell asleep or blacked out at the wheel." Okay, fine; do you have a plan B? Or is that the only possibility under active consideration?
This quickie bio on Hassan isn't reassuring:
Daly is an Egyptian immigrant who worked as a doctor in his native country before taking a job driving a cab in San Diego.
Daly’s roommate, Dan Rose, told us Hassan has been having financial and personal problems.
"Just very irregular behavior, kind of up and down, a little bit recluse, depressed type of behavior," said Rose.
Yeah. Okay, this was the night after Mubarak's abdication. Maybe just Imagine the Possibility this is Sudden Jihad Syndrome?
The crowd did:
In the moments after the accident, the crowd outside Stingaree attacked Daly. One witness said Daly was still sitting in the car when he got to the scene and that's when the crowd started to remove him from the car.
"They beat the s--t of out him," the man said. "Beat him up really bad."
One woman lost most of her leg. It was badly mangled.
If this guy legitimately blacked out I understand that. I sort of even understand the cops wanting to play this cool after the crowd seemed to decide it had enough information to act.
But part of the reason we are so suspicious of Muslims is that we now know our own government is engaged in an effort to actively lie to us about Muslim-involved violence because they think we can't handle it.
Since we cannot trust the police, FBI, or government (or even the Army's investigators) to tell us the fucking truth, we're not being paranoid: We are reacting appropriately to threats and to a fundamentally dishonest government.
Thanks to lowandslow.
Oh Wait: My bad, they are investigating other possibilities:
Investigators were also examining the taxi for evidence and possible mechanical failures, as well as continuing to interview witnesses and victims.
Oh so right there, there you go. They haven't decided it must be that he fell asleep; they are perfectly open to the possibility of a mechanical failure, too.
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
Oh: There's even more!
Rose [the man the Egyptian was renting from] says things have gotten progressively worse since he moved in. "It's been a very uncomfortable situation living here the last couple months."
Rose said he feared the 52-year-old Egyptian born cab driver. "Just very irrational behavior, um I don't know if it was necessarily a terroristic type thing or maybe he's just imbalanced."
Rose said Daly called him names and confronted him for bringing a date home. The confrontation scared him so much, he began to carry a knife with him in the house.
Rose says, "the reaction he had towards me kind of made me a little scared so I carry one with me even in my home when I'd go to the bathroom."
Rose says Daly gave him his move out notice last Friday. That the home is in foreclosure and Daly was leaving the country and heading back to Egypt.
So, got that? The two possibilities we're looking into are 1) a case of the sleepies and 2) mechanical failure.
Is there any other possibility that I, or the cops, might be forgetting? Ah, no, none. That covers it.
PS not a word of this got out into the Make Believe Media. Nice job, guys! Perfect embargo!