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NPR To Obama: Hey Thanks For Believing In Us With All That Money In Your Budget »
February 15, 2011
President Obama: Carter Redux, Or Diabolical Genius?
Lexington Green over at the ChicagoBoyz blog thinks it may be the latter.
Green's point is that Obama's laughable budget is simply a way of handing the GOP enough rope to hang itself with, a trembling lamb staked out in a clearing waiting for the wolf to come while the hunters lurk in the trees. Pull quote:
If Obama wins, then the GOP / Tea Party effort is over and the Democrats have won the whole ball game. Obama gets reelected, the GOP is finished as a political party, and we have a mess for some number of years while a new party forms. But odds are it will be too late by then. A majority of people will be dependent on the Government.
Well, as far as having the majority of Americans dependent on the government: that ship has left the port already, or soon will. If you factor in all the various federal, state, and local entitlement and aid programs -- Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, food stamps, AFDC, WICC, etc. -- then more than half of Americans already depend on the government to a greater or lesser degree.
For a good discussion of the implications of the liberal welfare state, check out this week's Uncommon Knowledge over at NRO, where they're running an interview with William Voegeli on his book Never Enough: America's Limitless Welfare State.