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February 07, 2011
Dr. Obama places band-aid on mosquito bite, while patient bleeds out from severed femoral artery
When you just flushed almost a trillion bucks down a storm drain, scraping up even a paltry $1B worth of "cuts" is simply too hard.
...The cuts are relatively small, however, in the larger scheme of things. In total, the $775 million in detailed cuts fall far short of demands by congressional Republicans and will do little toward tackling the deficit, which is estimated to be $1.5 trillion this year by the Congressional Budget Office...

This and
Ace's post just below are kinda a compare/contrast in ummm "approaches" to this problem we seem to have. On one hand you have what appears to be complete and utter denial in the Obama administration that any problem even exists. OTOH, you have someone in Paul who recognizes we do have a problem and proposes some harsh medicine.
How can you negotiate about solutions to a problem when the other party is in denial that a problem even exists?