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February 03, 2011
Nancy Pelosi Stages Fake Congressional Hearing With Innovative Idea: Hey, What We Really Need Is More Federal Spending
Please, someone in the GOP, please put 2 and 2 together for the American public and stress this is the woman Obama delegated his stimulus-construction to.
AllahPundit goofs on Democrats for always deciding that their problem is "messaging." Not failure, not Americans rejecting their ideas, but "messaging." Just not writing a good enough jingle to sell the product.
Although in many cases this is probably liberals lying about the underlying reasons for their failure, in other cases -- like Nancy Pelosi's -- I think it's probably the case that she's insane and stupid enough to believe it.
And, I repeat: Doctor Nancy Pelosi, PhD emeritus and current occupant of the Hastings Chair of Hyperdimensional Economics from the University of Fucking Pluto, is who Obama let write our trillion-dollar stimulus.