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Douche Ex Machina »
February 03, 2011
Gallup: Unemployment Up to 9.8%; Underemployment/Discouraged Worker Rate at 18.9%
And yet Obama is at 50%.
Obama will not be a lock in 2012 because of these awful numbers. They may get better by 2012, but not by much.
But the fact that he remains at around 50% even with the worst economy since the Depression means he's not going to be easy to beat, either. For whatever reason, right or wrong, the public thinks the GOP (or at least Bush) is largely responsible for this and Obama is just a bit hapless in being unable to fix things.
Putting politics aside: Not only is that unemployment rate very high but it has been very high for a long, long time. We're not talking about people being out of work for six months, which is bad enough. We're talking about our fellow Americans being out of work for two years or so and diminishing chances of finding work in the next year or two besides.
This is just horrible.
People don't blame Obama. They should. The crisis was falling on the country as he assumed office (and he was partly responsible himself, anyway, having been a Senator for four years before the crisis), and, instead of addressing that, he used it to force through a bunch of political agenda items the Democrats had sought for decades.
So here we are. You don't have a job but in 2014 you may or may not have a really shitty version of Medicare for the Young.
"It Didn't Have To Be This Way": My suggestion for a three minute ad. Show the choices Obama made or didn't make, and how he made them or didn't make them (like subcontracting out the Stimulus to noted economists Nancy Pelosi, PhD., and Doctor Harry Reid), and what other choices were on the table -- talked up by conservative economists who you know are smart because they're filmed behind a desk with books behind them. And how things could have been different.
It's time to start pinning the Tale on this particular Donkey.