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February 03, 2011
Julian Assange Nominated for Nobel Peace Price?
Eh, why the hell not?
(Bonus: There's a marketing tie-in with the Egyptian post below.)
From AFP:
"OSLO The vibrant protest movements across the Arab world, Russian human rights activists and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will all likely be in the running for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, observers say as the deadline for nominating candidates approaches."
But Julian's up against some stiff competition, what with current events and all...
Since news events often influence nominations, this year's list of candidates could be coloured by the recent waves of protests against authoritarian Arab regimes, including in Tunisia and Egypt. "That's a possibility," explained Nobel expert and historian Asle Sveen.
"But no name really stands out. In Egypt, the (opposition) movement seems very spontaneous. And (the most visible opposition leader) Mohamed ElBaradei already received a Nobel prize" in 2005, he pointed out. The nature of the protests, which appear more motivated by socio-economic factors than ideological, could also complicate finding an obvious candidate."
So no double-dipping for Mr. ElBaradei.
As for St. Julian's prospects, there are always naysayers, doubters, heretics and other words in my thesaurus. But that's way over there on the bookshelf so let's stick with what we've got:
"But experts are sceptical of his chances of grabbing the prize. "To claim that his actions have in some way promoted 'fraternity among nations,' to invoke the famous line in Alfred Nobel's will, would be far-fetched, if not altogether inaccurate," US journalist and Nobel Peace Prize specialist Scott London told AFP.
"It might be truer to say that he has undermined that fraternity by creating a culture of anxiety and suspicion in international affairs, especially between countries in volatile regions like the Middle East," he added. Assange's misadventures in Sweden, where he is suspected of rape and sexual molestation, also diminish his chances of winning the prize, according to experts."
What, a guy can't get a little leg now and then? What's it take to please you people? (Probably a question best left unanswered)
"I come in peace! If I settle the whole Egyptian thingy, the ongoing Midwest conflict between snowflakes and snowplows, and pre-empt the bloody showdown between Pittsburg and Green Bay I can haz Peace Prize?"

posted by Genghis at
03:00 AM
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