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The "Clinton Budget" Fallacy [Fritzworth] »
February 03, 2011
MBM Media Press Corps Expresses Concerns About Carrying Water for Obama For Lack of the Info
Probably just potshots at outgoing Gibbs, but still funny.
“Prior to the president's statement Tuesday night, the press corps had not received a substantive update from the White House all day on the situation in Egypt,” the letter read. “In addition, the press corps did not have an on-camera briefing, or an off-camera gaggle, with you yesterday to ask the White House about its decision-making process during this major foreign policy crisis.
Now for two straight days the full press pool is being shut out of events that have typically been open and provided opportunities try to ask the [president] a question."
The "best and the brightest" have been caught with their pants down over what started as food riots and now has escalated into something called "shaky governments have completely lost control of events." The best our media beagles can manage is whiny complaints about a lack of access to "Obama's opinions and deep thoughts."
They want to help him, they just need a couple of clues to go on.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:24 AM
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