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January 26, 2011
CAC's Late Night Art Thread
The Storm, Pierre Auguste Cot, 1880
Currently at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
oil on canvas
How about a break from abstract art? Wikipedia says, "Though long regarded as a symbol of late nineteenth century academicism, The Storm, even today, continues to attract a litany of caustic attacks." I like it. It has a romantic quality for me--long ago, far away, in a better time... Reminds me of an ideal time when I was young that never existed. But should have. That kind of thing. If someone agrees that The Storm is deserving of caustic attack, please explain why and what you believe the problems are.
There is an early 20th century artist I was looking for today--American, I think, or someone who immigrated here. Can't remember the name. He painted light, romantic scenes of beautiful women usually. Lots of sunset lighting. Always outdoors, in beautiful, natural settings. His style is reminiscent of some of the early Coca-Cola artwork--but not exactly. One of them is a woman standing on a rock with her back arched and with her arms up, facing the sun, her hair and clothes caught in that moment by a breeze. Another one is three figures in a portico with fluted pillars overlooking a beautiful landscape. Ring a bell? Anyway, I wanted to put one or two of those up. Someone put me some information.
Update: Steve Skubinna in comments gave me the answer, Maxfield Parrish. And here are the two paintings I mentioned:
Ecstasy, Maxfield Parrish, 1922
oil on panel
Daybreak, Maxfield Parrish, 1929
oil on panel
CAC claims to be busy still and offers this picture as proof. Since I can't understand his description, I'll just quote him below.
In the background are the large latex appliances that will go around the model's 34F breasts, in the foreground one of the "lymph node" appliances (under construction) that will go around the breast, armpit and neck.
So apparently his project involves making latex appliances that resemble lymph nodes. To be placed on a model with large breasts? For what purpose, I wonder, photos? Some kind of medical realism? Art? Horror? Maybe we can get a fuller explanation from CAC if he stops in or when he returns. It would be interesting to know what this is for and to see more pictures. And, 34F? Come on. There must be some joke here I'm not getting. No job can be that awesome.
Now on to moron art. One of last week's participants asked about putting up a link for purchasing information. I think that would best be handled in comments and not up top in the post. Ace has paying advertisers. For now, provide your own link and any other information you might have in comments. We'll see how that goes. I'll be doing the art thread at least until next week, so continue sending your submissions to me, rdbrewer4(at)yadayadagmail.com. Change the "(at)" to "@" and take out the yadas.
Painted Woman, Troy Riser, 2009
16" x 20", gouache on bristol
Anticipation, John Boyer, 2007
digital photo
Te video (I see you), John Boyer
digitial photo
Light on Snowy Dunes, John Boyer
digital photo
"Victory Over America" Palace, Iraq, JP Dawson
digital photo, Canon G11
A series of three exposures processed through Photomatix and Photoshop.
Foggy Night, Lordsomber
Sister of the Wood, Lordsomber
Human Chum, Lordsomber
Whatever. The Model Student
Jetez-moi un animal, Lordsomber
Please... Leave Room for Soy, Lordsomber
Madonna (Ciccone) with Child, A Palmer, 2010
12"x16", oil on canvas
posted by rdbrewer at
10:34 PM
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