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January 25, 2011
Oscar NominationsHere are my picks. I am doing the Bill Murray thing -- "I never saw this movie (and never even heard of it) so it can't win" -- but anyway, here's my guess/pick. Best Picture: 127 HOURS (Fox Searchlight) I really have no idea what this movie is. Barely heard of it. But people say good things so I guess it could win.
This is my pick. I figure they just want to give the Oscar to Aronofsky and Portman and this movie was both accessible and sorta ambitious. Sorta. It was a decent thriller, so it married commerce and art. INCEPTION (Warner Bros) No way this wins. It was ambitious and very good-looking but pretentious and empty and I think after the initial critical buzz people started to get that, as exemplified by that deadly South Park Parody. It really was a popcorn movie, but dressed up to seem important, and in that way, I think, kind of annoying. I like popcorn movies, and I don't see how pretending they're saying something important about the subconscious makes them actually important. It just makes them sort of lacking in self-awareness. THE FIGHTER (Paramount) I heard of this. Not enough to win. THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT (Focus Features) This is one of those movies that strokes the liberal erogenous zone so every critic overrates it by one full star. I am guessing it was really a pleasant indy dramedy that should have gotten three stars, but liberal critics elevated it into a four-star triumph of the ages. I assume that, because that's what they always do. (Though some conservative critics thought it was a nice little movie.) If that's the case, then they've already promoted it beyond its merits, and they'll probably restrain themselves from further puffery. This is one of those "we're being nice just by including you" nominations, I figure. THE KING'S SPEECH (The Weinstein Co) I hate this kind of movie. It's a pretty trivial plot -- I've got nothing against trivial plots; I like 'em -- but it takes what seems a pretty minor thing, a bit of speech coaching, and elevates it into Important Movie Status because it has people with British accents in it, and it's period, and there's a king involved. I figure this is another "we're just being nice" nomination. THE SOCIAL NETWORK (Sony Pictures) A lot of people saw it, and, like Black Swan, it's considered both a commercial and artistic success. Further, it's a biopic, and Oscar loves a biopic. On the other hand, there is a genuine question whether too much of it was simply made up. That seems contrary to the rules of biopics -- biopics are by nature very messy and dramatically unsatisfying, because people's lives are messy and almost never fit neatly into some nice dramatic arc. Aaron Sorkin's way of squaring that circle seems to be just makin' stuff up. I think that will be held against it. Yeah, it's a much more entertaining movie about this subject matter than you would have guessed, but just making up key motivations, drives, and obsessions for real-life people seems to be, as Robert Frost said of non-rhyming poetry, playing tennis without a net. I figure people don't like Aaoron Sorkin as a personal matter, either. In addition, as far as biopics, the main character here just isn't very compelling or very important in the scheme of things. He created FaceBook, a time waster, and made a lot of money. Just seems to lack the Very Important Things Are Going On Here heft of a usual biopic. TOY STORY 3 (Walt Disney) This probably should win, since everyone was talking about how amazing it was (I didn't see it), but it won't win, because it was released forever ago, made 100 metric tons of money, and is animated, and Hollywood is already scared shitless about the decline of the theater in favor of tv and reality tv winning out over scripted shows and so they're really not looking to accelerate a new challenger (animation) over traditional Hollywood art and craft. No way it wins. Again, though, based on the raves? Probably really should be a contender, but won't be. TRUE GRIT (Paramount) Could win, I guess, but I think the Black Swan will. Because I saw the Black Swan. WINTER'S BONE (Roadside Attractions) I have no idea what a Winter's Bone is. This sounds like the sort of movie in which two forty-something women stare out a window at a snow-covered patch of farmland and talk about emotional emptiness or something. Because I have no idea what it is, I say it can't win.
People seem to like James Franco so I figure it's between him and Bridges. Counting against Bridges is... hasn't he won before? BEST ACTRESS Natalie Portman, I figure, because she lost a lot of weight for the role, and Oscar loves weight gain/weight loss acting. BEST ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE I did not see any of these people in these movies. So... Um, Mark Ruffalo, because he was good in Zodiac. BEST ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE This happens a lot, where the real starring actress in a movie is instead given a stealth best supporting actress nod because they don't want to give her the top acting award. In this case, that woman usually wins. In this case, it's that little girl from True Grit, who everyone says was amazing. So, based on that, Hailee Steinfeld. BEST ANIMATED PICTURE Toy Story 3 in a walk. I never even heard of The Illusionist and the dragon one sounds dopey. BEST DIRECTOR Here's where they may nod to The Social Network -- Fincher's a genuine talent and they probably have the itch to recognize him for a lot of really good-looking movies that were never nominated. His directing was showy enough (he shoots Harvard as it's dark and in perpetual gloom) and uses some cool tilt-shift photography at Oxford to suggest, I don't know, something about it being a tiny world or something. Plus, the movie does flow, so that's something. I figure they give it to him. The Coen Brothers, I guess, would be the second-most likely, because they're the Coen Brothers. BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY Here's where they give the Oscar For Courage -- the Kids Are All Right. BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY No way True Grit gets it, as, if I understand this right, they are making a big deal about adapting from the novel, not the 1969 film, but the 1969 film was very close to the novel too. I have no idea for this one. Maybe Toy Story 3, in some kind of backdoor acknowledgement they should have taken it more seriously for Best Picture. BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM I really could not possibly care less. Um, I figure they'll give it to Mexico because there are a lot of Mexicans working in the Hollywood system. Pure homer boosterism. BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN CINEMATOGRAPHY Probably True Grit. Not the Black Swan, no way, it was all cramped interiors and bad lighting, which may make sense for the movie, but you don't give awards for that. Inception could possibly win, as I have to stress, it really was a seriously good-looking movie. BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE I hear Restrepo is awesome. And giving the award to that is Hollywood's way of affirming they support the troops. BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT SUBJECT I don't care, but probably "Killing in the Name," because it's probably about extremism and/or religion or something and you can never have enough Oscars for that. BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN FILM EDITING I figure The Social Network, because there was a lot of cutting involved in making flashbacks and stuff flow and it's hard to cut dialogue sequences to make them seem interesting. Plus, I saw it. ACHIEVEMENT IN VISUAL EFFECTS Alice in Wonderland had the worst effects I've ever seen. Ugly, gray, fake and cheap looking. Iron Man 2 was just the same stuff they did in Iron Man 1 pretty much. And the climax was again shot in darkness and again you could barely see anything. Um, why? No way this wins. I think this one is easy: Inception. Great effects, beautiful, imaginative, and real-looking. Again, a dumb movie, but a very good looking one. BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN ART DIRECTION This award favors films with a lot of art direction (made up fashions, clothes, etc.), and Hollywood has a hard-on for Tim Burton, so that seems to favor Alice in Wonderland, but seriously, was this movie not ghastly-ugly? That was the intent? Really? To look like a bad Doctor Who episode? I have no idea. I'll go with True Grit. It's period, it won't win many other awards, so they'll toss it this. BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN COSTUME DESIGN Apart from Alice's armor, I restate my opinion that Alice in Wonderland looked horrible in all ways. No idea here. The Tempest, I guess, because that sounds like something with good costumes. I have no idea what it is, if it's the Shakespeare play or is about something entirely different. BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN MAKEUP No idea. The Wolfman was an awful, awful movie and I do not remember "make up." I remember a bad CGI werewolf. Um, "The Way Back." Because the title sounds good. BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN MUSIC WRITTEN FOR MOTION PICTURES (ORIGINAL SCORE) I figure The Social Network, but I really liked Inception's music. I think Inception should win but The Social Network will win. ACHIEVEMENT IN MUSIC WRITTEN FOR MOTION PICTURES (ORIGINAL SONG) Randy Newman always wins. Why? I figure because it's the same fucking song every time and since it won before why shouldn't it win again? Well, that's all I've got. | Recent Comments
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