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January 25, 2011
Go, Jesse! Go, Jesse! [Fritzworth]
Jesse Ventura -- Navy UDT vet, pro wrestler, X-Files guest star, one-time governor, 9/11 truther, and reality show host -- is using his visibility and wackiness for good:
Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura sued the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration on Monday, alleging full-body scans and pat-downs at airport checkpoints violate his right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. . . .
According to the lawsuit, Ventura received a hip replacement in 2008, and since then, his titanium implant has set off metal detectors at airport security checkpoints. The lawsuit said that prior to last November officials had used a non-invasive hand-held wand to scan his body as a secondary security measure.
But when Ventura set off the metal detector in November, he was instead subjected to a body pat-down and was not given the option of a scan with a hand-held wand or an exemption for being a frequent traveler, the lawsuit said.
The lawsuit said the pat-down "exposed him to humiliation and degradation through unwanted touching, gripping and rubbing of the intimate areas of his body."
It claims that under TSA's policy, Ventura will be required to either go through a full-body scanner or submit to a pat-down every time he travels because he will always set off the metal detector.
Great photo of the one-time Man In Black at the link. Hat tip to the Daily Caller morning e-mail. ..fritz..

posted by Open Blogger at
10:16 AM
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