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January 22, 2011
Nearly Half Of Americans Still Believe Vaccine Autism Link [CDR M]
It is utterly amazing that nearly half of Americans still believe this vaccination autism link and speaks to the very real problem of what happens when piss poor media coverage of shoddy science can have lasting and damaging effects on society and the economy. You can add the climate change/global warming crowd to this as well. Even though this bogus autism link was declared a fraud a few weeks ago, the word has not gotten out to the mainstream. These are the same people that believe in global warming. These are the same people that probably believe that Obama will probably pivot and focus on jobs this year too. We have a lot of work to do if we are gonna chip away at the 52%'ers.
Yes, this is a real poster that was used by the anti-vaccination crowd.
Here is what I had previously written on this over at Clarion Advisory, Why You Should Never Listen To Celebrities.
posted by Open Blogger at
10:05 PM
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