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January 21, 2011
Taco Bell Withdraws From Advertising on MTV's Child-Porn "Skins;" Possible Child-Porn Investigation
Taco Bell said the show was not a "fit brand," which I guess is their cowardly way of saying "inappropriate."
Nielsen says that 1.3 12-18 year olds watched it. As 17 and 18 year olds sorta stop watching TV (I did at that age; I didn't start again until I was older), I'm thinking those figures underrepresent how many 12-15 year olds were watching.
And, of course, tweens were watching too! Isn't that great. It would be super if Nielsen could tell us how many tweens were watching.
AllahPundit noted the possible (but unlikely) child-porn angle last night.
Nothing will come from that, I imagine. Christian Slater was like 15 when he did a sex scene in The Name of the Rose (and apparently it was pretty realistic, because the legend is the director told the actress seducing him to really go to town dry-humping him, so he could catch Slater's surprised reaction) and I don't think anyone ever suggested that shouldn't be on HBO or that there should be prosecutions.
But advertiser flight...? That is more likely to produce results.
As Milton Freidman said, in another context, you can't make the evil actually good; we can only change our response to evil to make evil unprofitable.