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January 12, 2011
ABCNews: "Sarah Palin, once again, has found a way to become part of the story"
Oh no they didn't, you say.
Oh yes they did, I say.
ABCNews' "The Note:"
BOTTOM LINE: Sarah Palin, once again, has found a way to become part of the story. And she may well face further criticism for the timing and scope of her remarks.
I accused the Laughner Left of paranoid schizophrenia. There's some evidence of that right here, because earlier in this posting, The Note wrote:
Her words, of course, amount to a rebuttal of those who have called her out for using violent images to “target” Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and other Democratic lawmakers during the 2010 election.
So how is this Sarah Palin "finding a way to insert herself into the story"? The Note itself writes she was inserted by others -- but then go on to glibly accuse her of stealing the spotlight. A spotlight she did not want, and was put into by... liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) such as the liberal media types at The Note.
Of course they frame it as "A Tale of Two Speeches" -- Palin's today, which is horrible and just her inserting herself into the story for shabby political ends, and Obama's tonight, which The Note assures us...
” It remains to be seen exactly what Obama will say tonight, but White House aides say another goal of his address will be to lift the nation up in this moment, not sully it with politics.
Ah! So Obama won't be sullying it with politics. That's reassuring, given the number of top Democrats urging him to seize his "Oklahoma City moment" and "deftly pin this to the Tea Party."
Good to know, good to know.
By the Way: One commenter seemed to think I was calling out Sarah Palin for an error when I kept referring to "conscience [sic] dreaming;" I think she referred to "conscious dreaming."
Nope. Loughner wrote "conscience dreaming," which is in error, because he's a fucking illiterate moron in addition to being a moral monster. That's why I keep writing "sic," which means "as it appears (in error) in the original.
The right thing to say is "conscious dreaming," but even that's not really the typical term. I've always heard it as "lucid dreaming." But that just means, approximately, "conscious dreaming."
Anyway, Loughner knows it as "conscious dreaming," which isn't the typical term but it's accurate enough, but he's stupid to the point of diagnosable brain damage so he writes "conscience dreaming" instead, which would mean, I guess, dreaming about possessing an actual, functioning human conscience, which, now that I think about it, who knows, maybe that is the right term after all.
Maybe when Loughner dreams he dreams of an alternate world in which he is not a monster of a loser and loser of a monster.