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DailyKos' "Gabrielle Giffords is Dead to Me" Post Down the Memory Hole »
January 08, 2011
Laughner's YouTube Channel?
Seems, as expected, deranged, speaking of mind control and such.
Speaks pretty incoherently about large numbers of years BCE and ADE (which oldsters know as BC and AD I guess), 5% of the nation being "dreamers" like him, teaching children to replace a letter of the alphabet with another and so by creating some new language. Schizophrenic stuff, basically.
Also seems obsessive about backing the currency with gold and silver. Speaks about a third currency, also seems obsessed with the position of Treasurer.
Also writes that if you call him a terrorist, that's an ad hominem, so calling him a terrorist would be an ad hominem attack.
Here's some of his psychotic writing:
In conclusion, reading the second United States Constitution, I can't trust the current government because of the ratifications [sic; he seems to mean amendments]; The government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar.
No! I won't pay debt with a currency that's not backed by gold and silver!
No! Iwon't trust in God!
He also mentions he didn't "write a belief" on his Army applicaiton, and the recruiter wrote: None. So, atheist.
The goldbug stuff is the only thing here I can see that associates him with the right (and then, only to the Ron Paul sort of Austrian economics wing). I should just note that money is an obsession of psychotic conspiracy theories -- there are endless speculations about the Masonic imagery on the dollar bills. Recently I was talking to a black guy, who was a strangely conspiracy-obsessed sort of guy, and he had this whole theory that all rappers were part of a Satanic conspriracy because they all show the "Eye of Ra" symbol (basically making a triangle with your fingers and looking through it), which looks like the eye on the dollar bill, and the government is a Satanic conspiracy too. This link is sort of on the same page as what this black guy was talking about.
One psychotic I personally became aware of was fond of writing, over and over, "THE FED IS IN THE FOOD." What that means, I don't know.
So, I'm not sure this is going to turn out to be a "deranged guy more associated with the right than the left," as that sort of currency-based conspiracy theory isn't really political at all, it's just a common trope of the psychotic. There may be so little actual political content to his thought it will be hard(er) for the media to say this guy was on the "right." It could just be that he already had the common psychotic obsession with mind-control-through-currency (or whatnot) and just glommed on to the goldbugs' complaints about fiat currency because it sounded good.