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January 04, 2011
Real Life Superhero Foils Car Theft?
Not a real-life superhero, I guess, but more of a real-life Kick-Ass sort of aspirational hero.
Guy's got guts -- he says he's been stabbed while out on, um, patrol.
“My name is Phoenix Jones,” said the man.
On Monday night, the fully-clad superhero and Dan met.
“Phoenix” explained his whole super suit, including bullet-proof vest and stab plates, to Dan.
“That’s a Taser night stick. And I have Mace slash tear gas over here,” said Phoenix.
Then it was time for Phoenix to get back out on the streets, maybe not quite a super man, but an extraordinary one.
“So when I walk into a neighborhood, criminals leave because they see the suit,” said Phoenix. “I symbolize that the average person doesn't have to walk around and see bad things and do nothing.”
Since people are thinking it, I'll say it: Yeah, it's possible this is a publicity stunt, with the "car thief" actually a confederate of "Phoenix Jones," contriving a minor crime for "Phoenix Jones" to thwart. The car thief was conveniently unapprehended.
But, as Mulder says: I want to believe.
Video at the link. The guy's "super-suit" looks suspiciously svelte for something that supposedly is bullet-proof with stab-plates.
Too good to leave at the sidebar.
This story has been going on for a while. Some time back, a group of wannabe-real-life-superheroes started patrolling Seattle. Here's some of that background:
He has a day job but wears a costume underneath his street clothes in case he encounters crime. He carries a “net gun” and has a sidekick named Buster Doe.
But this isn’t the plot from a Hollywood movie. There are no special effects. This is real-life and Phoenix patrols Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood every week- stopping fights, feeding the homeless and helping folks who have run out of gas.
Unlike most movie superheroes, Phoenix doesn’t have any super powers and he doesn’t need them. He is made of flesh and blood and has gotten hurt. He deals with real criminals and puts his life in danger nightly.
“Phoenix, some people might ask if you’re crazy. Are you crazy?” I asked during a recent phone interview.
“Have you ever seen something that you thought was wrong or not fair? That you wanted to change? And then you just thought about it for days or weeks?” He said.
“Of course.” I answered.
“Well I haven’t. I don’t stand by and watch things happen that are wrong. When I see it I fix it. Does that make me crazy?”
Phoenix is a part of the Rain City Superhero movement, a group of superheroes that patrols the streets of Seattle.
The group includes Phoenix Jones, Buster Doe, Thorn, Green Reaper, Gemini, No Name, Catastrophe, Thunder 88 and Penelope.
Seattle police say there is nothing illegal about dressing up as a superhero, but it is dangerous and they do not encourage it.
"Phoenix Jones" claims the cops accept him as helpful and say hello to him and stuff.
In a "Kick-Ass" sort of moment, "Phoenix Jones" admits his "net gun" and "grappling gun" are ineffective -- the grappling gun cannot even support his body weight.
This is cute:
Phoenix Jones wants more superheroes to join the Rain City Superhero movement. But he says they must be qualified. And realistic.
Phoenix said, “I think people would find it’s far less romantic than it sounds. The hours aren’t so great. There’s no pay. That’s the reality.”
Also back at the link -- "Phoenix Jones'" old costume, which was more of a discount-store Shadow-like outfit, less like the Watchmen-like bodysuit he wears now.
Crazy, yeah, but maybe good eccentric crazy?