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January 03, 2011
Quick Word About Tea Partiers Staying Off Appropriations
DrewM., Gabe, and Dave @ Garfield Ridge (and lots of commenters) all point out that this isn't all good, since the restraining force of Tea Party members would be lost.
That occurred to me (and it occurred to Jeff Flake too, who who mentioned being surrounded by Appropriations Party people in Major Garrett's article. (I couldn't quote that part; fair use and all.)
I should have mentioned that, and my guess: While Garrett is noting the "trouble" they're having getting Tea Partiers on Appropriations, it's my assumption he's focusing only on the no's, and that I am guessing at least some Tea Partiers say yes.
So my guess is that this is not a story about absolute resistance by the Tea Partiers; I assume that resistance, like most resistances, can and will be overcome, and there will be Tea Party members on the committee.
That's what I figure, at least.
So for me, the more important part was about the change in attitude, and not in the implication that the Party of Appropriations will have free reign, with no Tea Partiers to restrain them, because it's my hunch that will not happen. Just because Appropriations is diminished as a plum perch doesn't mean, I don't think, that literally everyone will say no to it. I don't think the Tea Party, or anything else, can change the rule that a lot of politicians have ambition.