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January 03, 2011
Nuclear power game changer? Chinese scientists claim major breakthrough in reprocessing and uranium usage rates
As Joe Biden says, this could be a big effing deal.
...The technology, developed and tested at the No.404 Factory of China National Nuclear Corp in the Gobi desert in remote Gansu province, enables the re-use of irradiated fuel and is able to boost the usage rate of uranium materials at nuclear plants by 60 folds.
"With the new technology, China's existing detected uranium resources can be used for 3,000 years," the China Central Television reported...
A 60X improvement in materials usage is a pretty shocking claim, even 10X would be pretty noteworthy. If all those ponds full of spent fuel rods can be put to use again economically, the whole enviro argument against nuclear power takes a pretty hard body blow.
Remember how nuclear power was pitched back in the 1950's? "Electricity too cheap to meter". It would be pretty cool if science delivered on that promise and shoved a barbed one up the enviros butts at the same time.
Go Nukes!