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Overnight Open Thread - New Year's Eve Edition »
December 31, 2010
December 31, 1944
Allied forces in Europe are recovering, pressing back against the last great battle Germany brought to the conflict. From this moment until May 1945 the Allied armies continue to press toward their inevitable victory.
Most of the 101st had been on the line since D-Day, seven months of hard fighting. Away from home for two years. They held onto Bastogne until Patton's D Company, 1st Battalion, 37th Armor Regiment of the 4th Armored Division, reached Bastogne, and ended their siege on 26 Dec.
The Screaming Eagles never laid down, and never said "we needed 'rescuing'". They were airborne, they were used to being surrounded.
20,000 Americans lost their lives in this fight, the most costly battle for American forces in the war. But on this day, 66 years ago, the tide had turned their way, and they won the last major battle in Europe.
This New Year's Eve, 66 years later, over 120,000 Americans are deployed in the Middle East. The finest men and women this country has to offer. They aren't starved for supplies. They have ammunition, food, and vital equipment. But they are away from their families, their loved ones. Doing the job we sent them to do.
This New Year's Eve, remember them.
Happy New Year you morons. God keep you all. And here's to 2011.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:13 PM
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