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December 28, 2010
Chris Matthews: Hey, Why Doesn't Obama Send Me a Copy of His Long-Form Birth Certificate Right Now?
Good question. Even has his super-liberal guests (Clarence "Empty" Page and David "Candy" Corn) bash the birthers, they can't spin any plausible reason as to why Obama shouldn't do just this.
Neither can I. And I've said so. Granted, I reject the proofs of the birth certificate conspiracy theorists as balderdash. But one question cannot be easily answered: So why the hell doesn't he just release it then? The most suspicious thing here is Obama's own sneaky, dishonest behavior.
If a man acts for two years like he's got something to hide I start to think that maybe he does.
I have become convinced there is something embarrassing on that long form. There is little other way to explain such shady behavior.