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December 28, 2010
More 2012 Speculation
There really isn't any news to speak of today, so . . . how about more 2012 speculation. CNN/Opinion Research has a new poll out gauging support for several probable candidates. On the Democrat side -- surprise, surprise -- 78% want to see the President run for election.
The Republican results are just heartbreaking, though. Somehow 67% say they would support Certain Fuckin' Doomabee if he sought the nomination. That compares to 59% for Mitt Romney and 54% for Newt Gingrich. The only other possible candidate polled was Sarah Palin, who only got 49%.
I guess Huckabee's TV show is paying off, huh?
The poll results are here (PDF). The margin of error for the Republican sample is +/- 4.5% points.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:47 PM
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