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December 23, 2010
Netflix Recommendation: Blink, The Doctor Who Episode
I've always been more into the idea of Doctor Who than the actual show. Like, I don't watch it, but I approve of it. The only old Who I really remember was the Talons of Weng-Chieng, and old Tom Baker episode. (Set in Victorian London, it featured sewers, giant rats, a clockwork robot/homonculous, and an evil wizard who was actually some kind 54th-century Chinese technofascist or something.)
Anyway, for some time, steve_in_hb has been telling me the series reboot ("Nu Who") is worth watching, and he especially recommended "Blink" as a good episode. I watched it last night, and it is good. It's a really terrific example of how you can turn low-cost special effects into an advantage.
It's on your Netflix instant-download options -- series 3, episode 11.
One downside: This has been polled as the best new-series Doctor Who episode, and the second-best Doctor Who episode of all time , so if you get into show from this sampling, alas, you can expect it mostly to be all downhill from here. Personally, I'm going to hit the ones on this list. Next up: the two parter Human Nature/Family of Blood (season 3, episodes 9 and 10), which I hear is also really good.
Oh: Drew points out this is an atypical episode because The Doctor is barely in it at all. But that makes it an especially good episode for newcomers, because the viewer sees the Doctor the same way the main character (Sally Sparrow) sees him: as a mystery she doesn't really know or understand.