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December 15, 2010
Campaign 2012 Preview
If you wanted to start keeping score, here's the 2012 field so far on the tax cut deal:
For the compromise deal:
Mike Huckabee (first to come out in favor)
Tim Pawlenty
Newt Gingrich
Bobby Jindal
John Thune [I have been corrected that Sen. Thune is supporting the bill and will vote for it.]
Against the compromise deal:
Sarah Palin (first)
Mitt Romney
John Thune
Mike Pence [Received word that Rep. Pence is opposing the deal, as of yesterday.]
Wafflers/No stated opinion:
Haley Barbour
Mitch Daniels
Mike Pence
As far as I can tell none of these people are in favor of the Democrats' omnibus spending bill. If that changes, you can bet I'll be crossing names off the list completely.
Update: I updated the lists above with fresh info. If you see new information, be sure and let me know.
With regards to Sen. Thune's position, I completely misread what I saw from him yesterday. This does not represent a change in his position, only in my reading comprehension skills.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:10 AM
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