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December 14, 2010
$575 Million In New Spending Per Page: Omnibus Spending Bill Is An Abomination
Even the Democrat-controlled House had more restraint:
t stands in contrast to the House, which last week passed a streamlined bill freezing fiscal 2011 government spending at 2010's level. The Senate bill, though, boosts spending by $16 billion a tough sell at a time when deficits and debt already are dominating the policy debate in Washington.
Reid is threatening to keep Congress in session through the holidays in order to force them to pass the bill.
Last year, I think, Republicans cut a deal on allowing an ObamaCare vote (I think the Christmas eve one in the Senate) in exchange, supposedly, for some tactical advantage in the timing of the vote on raising the debt limit.
I think that was b.s.; the deal was struck because Senators wanted to go home for the holidays. And now we have ObamaCare.
I don't care if Reid holds them over every day until January 4th. It doesn't matter. They're paid extremely well and get lots of time off. It's time they joined their fellow Americans in sometimes having to work through the holidays.
No budging on this. Or there'll be real hell to pay.
The bill even includes funding for ObamaCare:
The 1,924-page bill includes funding to implement the sweeping healthcare reform bill Congress passed earlier this year as well as additional funds for Internal Revenue Service agents, according to a senior GOP aide familiar with the legislation.
This is one of those hills you die on. And if McConnell cuts another deal that coincidentally allows him to be home for Christmas, he's gone.