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December 14, 2010
S.841 confirms what we all knew - quiet hybrids and electric cars are a menace 2 society
Apparently, some believe these electric cars are a menace to pedestrians, particularly the blind, because they are just too quiet. Oh, and you will be prohibited from removing the noise making devices.
...SEC. 4. STUDY OF METHOD TO PROTECT BLIND AND OTHER PEDESTRIANS.(a) Required Study vehicles of the same make and model and shall prohibit manufacturers from providing any mechanism for anyone other than the manufacturer or the dealer to disable, alter, replace, or modify the sound or set of sounds...
Of course, there is one way to avoid such creeping nanny stateism -- boycott electric vehicles entirely and nuzzle up a "pedestrian friendly" noisy internal combustion car...maybe a vintage one that's pre-CARB, pre-catalytic converters, etc, etc.
I'm thinking something along the line of the Mk III 427 V8 powered Shelby Cobra might just be the most socially conscious car one can own.
Save a life, buy a 427 V8.
Do it for the pedestrians.