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Overnight Open Thread »
December 09, 2010
Thursday Football Pick Reminder and FiAF* Triple Shot Night
First shot: Get your picks in, there's a game on tonight between Indianapolis and Tennessee. I figured I'd pick it too, there's no harm to my record in getting an extra game wrong by picking instead of forgetting to make the pick.
Second shot: Here. The south end of a northbound Titan cheerleader-type lady.
Third shot: Supposedly this happened on CNN today. I dunno if it's the deal or not, I was busy at work keeping America safe, but if it did happen, somebody is gonna get themselves a talkin to.
I know. By now it's O-L-D.
*EffitallFriday, an important day for moron chicks to celebrate by flashing their hoohah at a cop. (I swiped this joke from LauraW from like, 3 years ago cause she funny)
Fourth shot: Because you are in the zone now. Jenn Sterger's handler says she won't pursue legal action against Brett Favre's junk if the league just suspends him.
Something mentioned about "just wanting to clear her name." I'm not really sure how that works, but whatever.

posted by Dave In Texas at
07:08 PM
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