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December 07, 2010
Obama Press Conference
Round 2 on trying to sell the tax agreement...to Democrats.
Judging from the reaction so far, good luck with that.
He's trying to male lemonade out of lemons by talking down the deal he just cut. He'd love to fight but gosh darn those Rethuglicans forced his hand.
AP question...um, you folded on an issue you've been running on for years. Why should anyone ever trust you again?
Judging by his repeated talking points about this being about governing and not politics, he's aiming for the independents he lost last month.
The most post-partisan President ever just called the GOP a bunch of "hostage takers" who were holding the American people hostage and threatening to harm them. Can't wait for all the editorials decrying the coarsening of political rhetoric.
Obama says he is looking forward to debating the Bush tax cuts starting next year. What the hell has been going on since the first day of his campaign and the first two years of his presidency?
Wow...Obama get's testy and whiny that he didn't get enough credit for passing health care. What a thin skinned idiot. Now he's taking a shot at the NYT editorial page?
Obama always seems to get tripped up on the last, kind of irrelevant question. He was asked about where the left should know he won't compromise and he went on to attack the left for attacking him. He didn't put out fire with his party he tossed gas on it.
It was like the end of the health care press conference that ended on the unrelated, what do you think of the Cambridge PD and Henry Gates question that gave us, "the police acted stupidly" quote that dominated everything.
That was really something.
Oh...Obama says the first 2 years of his presidency was about economic emergencies but they are over. This will be news to a nation facing 9/8% unemployment.
posted by DrewM. at
02:26 PM
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