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Mark Halperin: Obama Is Going To Need Some "Luck" To Become Popular Again, You Know Like A Terror Attack Or Something »
December 06, 2010
Thank You: 100 Million Unique Views
"Unique" doesn't mean what it does in ordinary speech, so no, 100 million people haven't come here. (A "unique" is just like one visit in a two hour window or something; it reduces the raw figure from hits by not counting refreshes/comments that come faster than that.)
Still, it's a big big number. And it wouldn't have happened without readers and commenters, and the cobloggers and the terrific guest bloggers that sub in from time to time (and especially last week, thanks!).
I feel bad about this happening right now since I'm still burned out and not finding a good angle on stuff, and I know that my blogging is weak as hell lately. Would have been nicer if this happened during, say, the Ewok Stalker period
But still , it's a nice smile for the day. I am deeming today the 100 Million Moron March. Although, there will be no march, because it's cold and who the hell wants to march?