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November 23, 2010
The Obama Shill-a-thon & Media's Fatigue [Journolist]
Appears some in the mainstream media may be getting tired of shilling for Obama. After 22 months into their non-stop Obama Shill-a-Thon, a growing number of mainstreamers are venturing off the reservation.
Some are even openly airing their discontent over Obama’s insolence and sleight of hand intellect. We all knew this was bound to happen as the media in all of their liberal bias, are after all, human.
Even mainstreamer stalwarts such as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and the New York Times’ Frank Rich have seemingly toned down their liberal declamations. To the mainstreamers, Mr. Obama represented the new aged politician whose intellect and transcendent nature would be ”just what the doctor ordered” for a nation whose politics had become acutely partisan and loudly acrimonious.
However, something has gone terribly wrong along the way in the mainstreamers’ advancement of Obama. The mainstreamers projected their idealism onto Obama without ever vetting him nor paying attention to what exactly Obama was saying while he vied for the presidency.
The mainstream media essentially abdicated its official responsibilities like a modern day King Edward but unlike Edward, the mainstreamers continued on in guise. The guise has allowed the mainstreamers the ability to promote their liberal politics through a delivery system they call, “journalism.”
But after 22 months of the Obama charade, the mainstreamers are beginning to have serious doubts about Obama’s true abilities and whether he has the emotional intelligence and intellectual maturity to be President of The United States. The mainstreamers are becoming agitated with Obama’s petulant nature, vitriolic rhetoric and the stable of teleprompters that follow him everywhere. This isn’t what the mainstreamers bargained for.
They assumed Obama’s electoral panache on the campaign trail would carry over into the presidency. After all, rhetoric is what carried the day for the mainstreamers and Obama’s Ivy League degrees and college teaching positions were all “icing” on the liberal cake. A cake the mainstreamers would have and, “eat too.” Or so they thought.
Enter stage right the November midterms and the political reality of a center right electorate. An electorate that repudiated Obama’s entire agenda.
It’s one thing for Obama to rule against the will of the American people and a whole other thing to shill for it - the smart mainstreamers realize this and are starting to take a breath.

posted by Open Blogger at
08:48 PM
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