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November 08, 2010
Democrat Civil War Watch: Hoyer Makes It Official, He's Running For Minority Whip
Major Garrett says Hoyer wouldn't make this official if he didn't think he already had it locked up.
Can you imagine if the Republicans were about to kick their top ranking black congressional leader out of his job? The MFM won't get into this but you can be the Congressional Black Caucus will not be happy.
The GOP isn't without its own leadership battle. Michelle Bachmann is looking to turn her support for tea party candidates and activists across the country into the number 4 GOP slot, Chairman of the Republican Conference (a job currently held by Mike Pence and his very presidential hair).
The Minnesota lawmaker, the founder of the Tea Party Caucus in Congress, says everyone wins whether Republicans elect her or Texan Jeb Hensarling as chairman of the House Republican Conference, the party's No. 4 leadership post when it takes control in January.
"It isn't that I need to be in the leadership," Bachmann told USA TODAY. "It's the ideas and ideals of the Tea Party that are important and need to be represented at the table."
Incoming Majority Leader, Eric Cantor, is supporting Jeb Hensarling , who by just about all accounts is as, if not more, conservative than Bachmann.
Somewhat related, the House GOP is adding a new leadership spot to represent the incoming freshmen. Looks like tea party favorite Kristi Noem of South Dakota is going to get it.

posted by DrewM. at
06:13 PM
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