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Overnight Open Thread �
November 05, 2010
Speculation That Keith Olbermann Won't Be Back
At Hot Air, "insiders" say that Keith Olbermann won't be back.
Which insiders? MSNBC insiders or Olbermann insiders? Because of course the latter claim he won't back; he's an Important Personage whose Majesty must be Respected and Feted.
If it's his "insiders" claiming this, it's bullshit. Keith is just in a snit and wants a public apology and affirmation of how valuable he is to the network.
Like, where could Keith Olbermann work, if not MSNBC? CNN wouldn't touch him. (Or... would they? Parker/Spitzer is a disaster. Nah, even CNN won't touch him.)
And Kos doesn't pay a salary.
If it's MSNBC, it's probably bullshit too. MSNBC is barely eking out living over there in beautiful Seacaucus, NJ; they can't afford to fire the guy who delivers them solid-gold 1.1 ratings every night.