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November 02, 2010
Let's not have a fondue party quite yet - mistakes have been made.
At my polling place I noticed one egregious downticket mistake the FL Republicans made in the District 88 FL legislature race. In a year like this, they allowed a Democrat to go unchallenged. Mark Pafford was the only name on my ballot. Some name with an R next to it should have been there, if only to gauge how low the wave was going to wash downticket . Anyone would have been acceptable, even someone with defects that wouldn't hold up under national scrutiny...as long as they weren't some Alvin Greene grade complete embarrassment that is.
A pickup on seat like this COULD HAVE become "found money" in a district like this if Dem turnout was below normal. The candidate wouldn't even need to campaign per se, Pafford didn't do much, just spent a lot of time polishing knobs to get a slew of the usual endorsement you'd expect a liberal to garner.
If you've noticed similar stuff on your ballot, post it in the comments so we can generate a 1-stop shopping reference for Republican strategists on how to not screw the pooch.