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October 26, 2010
Althouse: This Supposed Stomping of a MoveOn Woman Seems Awfully Convenient
Update: Assailant ID'd, Says Gawker, And Yeah, He's a Bona Fide Paul Supporter
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, but I didn't want to say so.
No arrests? They just disappeared after being conveniently videotaped?
And they sure treated her as gently as humanly possible while still doing something that can be called a "stomping" on a YouTube clip headline.
I'm not being paranoid (and neither are you) for wondering -- the left does keep attempting these false-flag operations. They announce them online, for crying out loud. "Hold racist signs at Tea Party events" and etc.
Update: Id'd?
And the guy who wrestled her to the ground, too.
Both appear bona fide conservative-supporters, but not actual conservatives-- because real conservatives do not bully women.
Bad for our side, of course, that we have scumbags like this who call themselves men.
Little reminder for our more girlishly-emotional and yet oafishly thuggish members in bad standing:
1. You're not helping. Do us all a favor and assess your level of mental and emotionally stability accurately. If you find yourself wanting in this area, do us all a favor and stay out of public, and preferably off the internet too. You can do the most for the cause by keeping your toxic anger hidden.
2. If you ever find yourself in the company of men who are throwing a woman to the ground and then pushing her down with their feet and you do not yell "Unhand that woman!" in a strong voice but instead just silently, and perhaps approvingly, look on, you're doing it wrong, and you really ought to realistically re-examine how much honor you actually have. Toss out previous estimates of how honorable you believed you were; obviously you overshot the mark.
Thanks to Ken Wheaton for the update.