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October 18, 2010
Part Time Washington Post Blogger Adam Serwer: Noticing That Lots Of Illegal Immigrants Are Hispanic Is Racist
I’m pretty sure Greg Sargent lets Adam Serwer blog at his place so he can look smart and reasonable by comparison. It’s a low barrier but it seems to work for them, so there’s that.
Serwer’s recent fetish has been going after the supposed racism in GOP attacks on illegal immigration. Today he goes after Sharron Angle for defending one of her ads.
When students asked Angle about her anti-immigration ads -- which some Hispanic groups called "race-baiting" -- the Tea Party favorite said they were “misinterpreting those commercials.”
"I'm not sure that those are Latinos in that commercial. What it is, is a fence and there are people coming across that fence,” Angle said, per the AP. “What we know is that our northern border is where the terrorists came through. That's the most porous border that we have. We cannot allow terrorists, we cannot allow anyone to come across our border if we don't know why they're coming. So, we have to secure all of our borders and that's what that was about, is border security."
Ok, that answer is a true in the sense that there are security issues on the northern border but it's not like North Dakota is about to pass an Arizona like law because of hordes of people from Manitoba are invading. It was a political answer and with her running for office and all, that's fine.
The reality however is that whether or not the people in the ad are Hispanic or Hispanic looking is irrelevant. There’s simply no denying that most of our illegal immigration problems are on the southern border and that Mexico, Central American and South America are the sources of most illegal immigrants into this country.
Is there illegal immigration through Canada? Sure but it’s nowhere near as many people as we see on the southern border.
Of course to super geniuses like Adam Serwer, to note this inconvenient truth is, wait for it....., racism.
This is an example of how racism in politics works these days -- when a political candidate wants to exploit racial animus, all he or she has to do is leave themselves some semblance of plausible deniability. The problem is, Angle didn't leave herself any. When confronted by a high school student about her inaccurate, race-baiting ads demonizing Latinos, Angle dissembled and suggested she's actually concerned about a massive influx of Canadians. Then after demonizing Latinos, she has the chutzpah to ask for their votes.
This is a typical leftist tactic, when faced with a reality they don’t want to acknowledge or be forced to defend the simply go on the offensive and charge ‘racism’. What racism exactly is never mentioned because it doesn’t exist and even if it did, the charge and change of subject is all they are ever really after in the first place.
Remember in the aftermath of 9/11 the image of the three firefighters raising an American flag over the rubble of the towers? When it came time to create a statue of that iconic image, the PC crew wanted to change the three white men into something more diverse, more inclusive, more untrue.
That same type of thinking is at work here. Reality doesn’t meet Serwer needs so he simply demands that it be changed. Are there Europeans and Asians and Africans who stay here illegally? Sure. Do some cross over a border? Probably, though most in those groups are people who come here legally and overstay their visas. But that’s inconvenient, so Serwer simply wants the world portrayed in a way that isn’t true but fits his narrative better. Failure to accommodate him is simply “RACISM!”.
Until Serwer and others can demonstrate that large numbers of people are walking across the northern border, that there are active smuggling and drug cartels running vast sections of Canada, that a city like Plattsburg, NY is one of the kidnapping hot spots in the US, or that there are demands that northern states start spelling ‘color’ with a ‘u’, I’m going to go ahead and keep thinking that it’s okay to note that the vast majority of illegal immigrants in this country are coming across the southern border and that they tend not be the stuff of Benaton ads.
posted by DrewM. at
06:02 PM
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