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October 11, 2010
Washington Post: Printing A Cartoon That Doesn't Include An Image Of Muhammad Might Provoke Muslims So We Won't Run It
Riot enough and the brave members of the media will get the message...a robust press and open debate are incompatible with Islam and/or your safety.
Last week's "Non Sequitur" cartoon featured a Where's Waldo? like book cover entitled "Picture Book Title Least Likely to Ever Find a Publisher...Where's Muhammad?" The catch...unlike the Waldo books, there's no image of Muhammad.
The mere mention of the name Muhammad was apparently enough to set alarm bells ringing in the executive suites of the Washington Post. Eventually decision was made to spike the cartoon.
Still, Style editor Ned Martel said he decided to yank it, after conferring with others, including Executive Editor Marcus W. Brauchli, because "it seemed a deliberate provocation without a clear message." He added that "the point of the joke was not immediately clear" and that readers might think that Muhammad was somewhere in the drawing.
The cartoon was "without a clear message"? The fact that the Post and other papers spiked it without even waiting for protests from Muslims is the message.
In fact CAIR, a group with exquisite sensibilities when it comes to offending Muslims doesn't seem to be bothered by it.
"The reference [to Muhammad] in this case was so vague that I don't even know if offense comes into it," said Ibrahim Hooper, communications director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based group that combats stereotyping of Islam and Muslims.
Of course this is exactly the point rampaging Muslims around the world and their supposed 'moderate' shills want us to get to...self censorship before we come anywhere near offending them.
Here's my modest proposal...there was talk at one point at creating a NATO medal for Courageous Restraint" for troops that didn't shoot. I propose there be a new Pulitzer Prize for Courageous Restraint, It will be awarded to papers and editors who preemptively surrender to Muslims. If they publish something and apologize after protest, they will not be eligible for the award, only acts of pro-active cowardice like this will be recognized. My guess is competition among MFM outlets for this prize will be fierce.
Congratulations to the Washington Post on their judgment, perhaps they will be killed last.

posted by DrewM. at
01:51 PM
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