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September 28, 2010
Is Steny Hoyer In Trouble?
Via Regular Folk United, an upset a-brewin'?
Democrat enthusiasm is way down this year, so their turnout is likely to be far lower. In 2006, a midterm election that was also a big year for Democrats, there were barely 200,000 votes cast in the 5th District race. So if there is a similar turnout Nov. 2, and Lollar merely matches the GOP’s 80,000 total from 2008, that puts him at 40%. Add another 15,000 votes, and he’s in shocker-upset range.
Three weeks ago, I thought Lollar had a shot, based simply on analyzing the district and reading his biography: An up-through-the-ranks Marine intelligence officer — a major in the USMC Reserve. But after having lunch Friday with Lollar, I’m telling you flat-out: This guy’s a winner, if we can just get him the money to do it.
Kick in $20 for Charles Lollar and make it happen.
He's also black, which will help. And also-- handsome. Also, Marine.
I think this guy can do it. Someone's getting shocked on November 2nd.
Dick Morris noted there were Democrats in real trouble who don't even know it yet, since few bother to poll districts like Hoyer's.

Pic from Hotspur of H2