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September 28, 2010
David Weigel Pines for Cindy Sheehan of Yore
David Weigel, yes that David Weigel, continues to show off the journalistic chops that so endeared him to conservatives this past summer. Today he laments the decline of Cindy Sheehan into an irredeemable state of idiocy.
Via Stephen Gutowski, here's the star of the summer of 2005 completing her descent into any-conspiracy-will-do-ism and declaring herself a "9/11 Truther."
There really was a political/cultural moment when Sheehan, whose son died in Iraq, was an un-touchable, credible activist.
No, Davy, there wasn't. That moment never existed. From the start, it was a trivial task to identify Sheehan as an opportunistic, irrational, emotional spooge-rag for the Left. Her "credibility" was manufactured by the media and was believable only to those who were already convinced that George Bush was the spawn of a Hitler/Lucifer/Bonzo love triangle.
People like, I suspect, Dave Weigel, who is only now realizing that she's a loon. Hint to any WaPo refugees currently hiding out at Slate: She. Didn't. Change.
But wait, there's more. He closes with this errant attempt at pith:
I am not, not, not making a one-to-one comparison here, but there is a lesson for tea party activists who are currently and unquestioningly the toast of the conservative elite and the GOP.
First, you have to wonder if he meant "unquestionably," rather than "unquestioningly." But either way, calling Tea Party activists "the toast of the conservative elite and the GOP" is to completely ignore the past 6 months of primary battles and Democratic chortlings over GOP infighting.
Ah well, at least he got "untouchable" right.