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September 27, 2010
John F'n' Kerry's Theory On Why The Democrats Are Losing: Voters Are Stupid
Pardon if this was covered. It's just so... Kerry. Actually it's virtually every Democrat. Vote against them and you're racist or stupid, and they don't mind so branding 55% of the public in that manner.
This year, though, they're not offering recriminations, but precriminations. They want you to know what contempt they hold you in before you even enter the polling booth.
On Friday, Kerry knocked voters as clueless for not paying close enough attention to national issues and being too easily swayed by catchy slogans.
“We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening,” Kerry said.
The story is about an attempted save by Clinton over the weekend, actually, claiming that Kerry didn't mean to "disrespect the voters."
You Stupid, Useless Racist Monsters
That unpleasantness out of the way -- Vote Democrat!