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September 10, 2010
Koran Burning Still On, Maybe
Pastor Jones continues to hold his Korans hostage:
Speaking to NBC's "Today" show, the Rev. Terry Jones said if he meets with the imam in New York, he won't burn the Quran. It wasn't clear if he meant the burning would be halted indefinitely or just for Saturday.
Imam Muhammad Musri, the president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, told CBS' "The Early Show" he had a commitment for Jones and himself to meet in New York with the imam there.
Sources say he's also demanded that Discovery Channel "stop glorifying human filthy birthing." Since this is clearly a winning strategy, I'm going to hold a Koran-burning unless FOX brings back Firefly.
Oh, and to the folks who think Jones is some kind of super-genius, just punking the whole world...um, no:
Jones said Thursday he would call off the planned burning of Qurans based on a deal negotiated with Musri that the location of a mosque planned near ground zero in New York would be changed.
But Musri said he was clear on Thursday when he told Jones that he could only set up a meeting with planners of the New York City mosque. Jones responded by suggesting that he would go forward with his plan on Saturday after all.
"We are just really shocked," Jones said of Musri. "He clearly, clearly lied to us."
Musri, an imam in Florida, was never in a position to change the location of the ground zero mosque. It'd be like my priest agreeing to move a cathedral in New York. Does not compute, unless you're a lunatic.
Hopefully there's just one more day of this drama, but I doubt it. Look how successful it's been so far.
In Afghanistan, at least 11 people were injured Friday in protests.
Police in the northern province of Badakhshan said several hundred demonstrators ran toward a NATO compound where four attackers and five police were injured in clashes. Protesters also burned an American flag at a mosque after Friday prayers. In western Farah province, police said two people were injured in another protest.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:36 AM
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